iOS 5 Baseband 4.11.08 iPhone 4 Unlock

Unlock iphone 4 baseband 4.11.08With the new iOS 5 update on the baseband 4.11.08 released, numerous iphone users are looking forward to unlock their iPhone 4 on different carriers. To begin, let's take a look at the basics on unlocking the Apple iPhone. As far as we know, there are only two types of software  that can be unlocked  the iPhone baseband 1.59.00,with Ultrasnow 1.2.4 and Gevey SIM.

As a reminder, your devices have to be jailbroken, you can find the latest tutorial on how to jaailbreak your iPhone, iPod touch and iPad with either Ac1dsn0w or Redsn0w 0.9.9b8. Both jailbreak are tethered.

However, the iPhone users with baseband 01.10.01, 03.10.01, and 02.10.04  were unable to unlock the devices. Some users lost their unlock by updating to the new iOS 5 , causing their iPhone baseband to be upgrade to version 4.11.08. Now the questions is: " Is there anyway to unlock the iPhone 4 baseband 4.11.08 ?"
THe answer to that question is NO, unless the iPhone is downgraded from 4.11.08 to 4.10.01. We have a post showing how to downgrade iOS 5.0.1 to 4.3.5 / 4.3.3 on iPhone 4 / 3GS, iPod touch and the iPad 2 /1, then yu can use Geyey SIM or Ultrasn0w 1.2.4F to unlock your iPhone 4. Unfortunely this unlock methos will not work if you are on iOS 5, 5.1, 5.0.1.
Although you have to save your SHSH blogs before attemping any modification on your devices, since Apple stopped signing previous iOS firmware (meaning you can only update/downgrade to the current iOS firmware) and by saving your SHSH blobs with TinyUmbrella, it does not neceesaryly means you can downgrade your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad.
 For now, stay away from iOS firmware 5 if you want to keep your unlock, once you upgrade your baseband to 4.11.08, there is nothing you can do to downgrade to baseband 4.10.01, developers always working on a software to unlock the iPhone unless your use the two methos mentions above.



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